Do These Most Ancient Symbols In The World Have Some Magical Powers?
While men's latest fashion and the new trend in fashion for men have been transient in nature, there are l some timeless symbols that are still widely used by humanity. These symbols have existed for centuries, so associated connotation has also evolved over time. 1. The Star of David – This symbol is a simple hexagram, a shape that has equilateral triangles interlock each other to form a six-pointed star with a hexagon in the middle. Adopted in Judaism in 1897, this symbol is now one of the most representative symbols of Judaism. (Refer to 5 Wealthiest Empires in World History) This star has been used widely in Buddhism, Hinduism, and Jainism as revealed by the preserved manuscripts. In Hinduism, it represents Anahata, the fourth primary chakras in the body – the primary energy points of the body. As Hinduism is considered the mother of all religions, this symbol most probably spr...