Manly Activities for Fathers to Become Role Models for their Children

A father is a role model for the child and the bond that he develops with his boy is crucial for the right development of the youth.

A boy usually looks upon his father to learn small things about life, So teaching him the right things and setting the correct example is unconditionally necessary.

A father can give his child all the gifts in the world but the most precious present is his time and participation in the little events that will greatly affect both his mental and physical development.

Here is a list of top five actions that strengthen the connection between a child and his father.

1. Playing video games -  Playing some fun games in front of the T.V. is an exciting way to spend some quality moments with the child. Racing against each other in a fast-paced game, saving the princess from the monsters, or even playing a good cricket or football match, any game will work as long as class time is spent in a fun and comfortable environment.

2. Attending a sports event together - This is a moment that the child will remember for the rest of his life. Going to any sports event with the jersey of the home team and teaching the child some of the technicalities of the sports could be a fun and exhilarating experience for both the father and the son. So, wait for the next big sporting event in the town and make sure to book the seats in advance.

3. Helping the child in studies - Most working-class citizens have tiring schedules, so they mostly appoint a tutor to help their youth in studies. There is nothing wrong in designating a professional for the betterment of the child but sometimes helping the youngster in his studies is a perfect way to build trust and spend some good time.

4. Playing outdoor games - Playing any outdoor game with the child like cricket, football, catch, badminton etc. is not only fun but is also one of the best ways to expend time together and make some priceless memories. Playing outdoor sports helps a youngster to grow both mentally and physically.

5. Camping - Camping is fun and is an excellent way to spend some quality time together. During camping, a child can learn many valuable and helpful things like respecting and understanding nature, learning how to start a campfire, using the gyrocompass, etc. The boy will never forget this experience and cherish all the precious memories.

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